Monday, September 30, 2019

Preparation Outline for Informative Speech Essay

Introduction As long as I can remember my family has always had food on the table and a family gathering on the fourth November in our home. We have all heard elementary stories of wood cabins and the Pilgrims and Indians celebrating thanksgiving. Though, I never knew the reason they were celebrating. Today as Thanksgiving is closely approaching, I am going to talk to you about the history of Thanksgiving, its traditions, and how our era and personal preferences influence the traditions in our celebrations. First let’s start by learning the origination of the Thanksgiving holiday. I. According to Caleb Johnson’s The Mayflower, â€Å"The pilgrim’s gave thanks in 1621 (the actual date unknown) for the first time.† A. In this article he has a published Plimouth letter. This letter gives us insight as to why they celebrated a day of thanks and with what foods. B. This being that the pilgrims had a scarce crop the years before that had led to sickness and death. The foods they celebrated with was a variety of foods from their crop, many fish, and wildlife animals. So because in the year of 1621 their crops group plentiful, the people of Plimouth decided give thanks to god for their year of blossoming crops. So they celebrated with food and thanks for 3 days. C. This is also the only known account of the Plimouth’s celebration for years to come. The next account was some twenty years later in a published article by William Bradford. So how did a National Holiday come into effect? Why the fourth Thursday? II. The years leading up to a National Holiday A. The Continental Congress proclaimed the first national Thanksgiving in 1777. Yet, Presidents Washington, Adams and Monroe proclaimed national Thanksgivings, but the custom fell out of use by 1815, after which the celebration of the holiday was limited to individual state observances. B. By the 1850s, almost every state and territory celebrated Thanksgiving. C. The site states, â€Å"In 1827, Sarah Josepha Hale began a campaign to reinstate the holiday after the model of the first Presidents. She publicly petitioned several Presidents to make it an annual event. Though her efforts did not succeeded until 1863, when she convinced President Lincoln that a national Thanksgiving might serve to unite a war-torn country.† D. According to it was not until 1941 that the fourth Thursday of November be the permanent date for thanksgiving. Where does a turkey come into play? What are the traditions of this Holiday? III. Thanksgiving traditions and how they came into effect. A. The simplest tradition of Thanksgiving is to come together and give thanks. B. Thanksgiving is also known as Turkey Day. Why? Well according to, Turkeys just so happened to not have anything to do with the first Thanksgiving. They were fresh, affordable, and big enough to feed a crowd. Among the big birds, turkey was ideal for a fall feast. C. By 1863, when Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving a national holiday, turkeys had taken center stage at Thanksgiving. IV. In this era we have added a few Thanksgiving traditions. A. Alder says, â€Å"Pro football has become as big a tradition at Thanksgiving as the turkey and if your Thanksgiving celebrations are like mine, most of the football fans head right for the television as soon as they hit the door.† B. According to USA today, â€Å"A little more than 60 years after the holiday’s formal recognition, another tradition was born: the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Started in 1924, the department store’s first parade included actual animals from the Central Park Zoo.† C. Thanksgiving traditions don’t end on Thanksgiving Day. In the 1950s, the  day after Thanksgiving was called Black Friday by factory managers because so many workers called in sick and the Philadelphia Police Department took to calling the day Black Friday to describe the traffic jams, crowds and shoplifters during the start of the holiday shopping season. Black Friday signals the start of the holiday shopping season, but it may be a tradition that’s continuing to evolve as stores vie to be the earliest to open Thanksgiving Day. In conclusion, the history of Thanksgiving dates back to 1621. It takes many years before it becomes a permanent national holiday for the American society. Throughout the years Americans have in cooperated new traditions as well as maintained the old. As O. Henry says, â€Å"There is one day that is ours. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American.†

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Brave New World Essay

Rhetorical Mode and Purpose It is better that one should suffer than that many should be corrupted.? Existing under a socially oppressive government, Bernard Marx constantly endures mental distress as a consequence of his unorthodox views. In Brave New World by Adolf Huxley, the primary protagonist struggles to voice his bitterness and disgruntled opinions, but the repressive World State tyrannize the society, and he ultimately loses his fight in becoming exiled. Narrated in the third person, Huxley details a technocratic government where signs of emotions are rendered treacherous and extreme consumerism forms the core of society. However, even more revolting is the unconscionable replication of nature through mass cloning, affirming the loss of everything fundamentally human. Through Brave New World, Huxley warned past governments who sought to increase effectiveness and stability, and continues to admonish the modern world, against increasing government intervention. Through narration, Huxley provides a panor amic scope of the horrific details and events residing under the command of a domineering government that asserts its omnipresence in all aspects of life. PASSAGE 1 (114-116) I chose this passage for both analytical purposes and interest value. Its surfeit in syntax variations stood out as a highly appealing passage to be analyzed, and the language effectively aroused suspense out of me. As the world of the savages unravels before Lenina?s eyes, her disgust heightens with each event that takes place, furthering repelling her from the culture. The underlying tone of hypnotic anticipation leads the audience through a series of events that build towards the climatical action of the passage. Through rhythmic syntax that propels the scene forward, dissonant diction and savage details, Huxley provides a lurid atmosphere as the lead-in to the horrifying act of sacrifice. Immediately, cacophonous diction begin to agitate the auditory senses. ?Harsh metallic? male voices answering the ?shrill? cries of the women initiates a perturbed mood and foreshadows deplorable events. As the audience?s sense of hearing wears away, ?a ghastly troop of monsters hideously masked or painted out of all semblance of humanity? enters to disconcert the visual senses. Nothing more than monsters completely devoid of human aspects. Monsters capable of executing actions that would appall Lenina?s society. Anticipation builds as the shrieks become ?louder and louder?; their dances, ?round and round? – and ?round and round? again. Their actions echo in successions of hypnotic movements that lull the reader into a trancelike state. ?More and more,? the leader flings black snakes ?brown and mottled.? The periodic sentence emphasis this final action as a symbol of savagery and remnant of a primitive culture that ultimately disgusts Lenina. Dull diction such as ?brown and mottled? assembles a drab layer of atmosphere that looms over the tribal ritual. Adverbs and conjunctions advance toward additional events that further feed anticipation. ?And then the dance began?Then the leader gave a signal?Then the old man lifted his hand.? Syntax and diction continue to build suspense as it mounts toward a most horrific action event. Semicolons and commas function as the dominant driving force behind the passage. Instead of inserting common periods, Huxley surrogates punctuations as a link between closely related details that incrementally build towards the summit. Without paragraph breaks to detract from the anticipation, the events flow in a continuous stream while sentence lengths and punctuations determine the rhythm and pacing. The compound-complex sentences are brought to a sudden halt with the ceasing of the drums. ?The drums stopped beating, life seemed to have come to an end.? The device that signaled life halts suddenly and a series of medium length sentences supercedes the long ones. Just as the storm the eye of the hurricane provides temporary respite, the momentary arrest of the beating only creates further anticipation, leaving the reader waiting for the other half of the hurricane. Rather than satiating expectations, syntax lurches the rhythm suddenly to induce greater anticipation and thirst so th at when it resumes, the resulting effect will be of greater impact. The scene shifts from the panoramic view to focus on the interaction between two specific characters, the old man and the boy. Analogous syntax structure directs attention to the progression of actions. ?The old man clapped his hands?The old man made the sign?The boy moved on Succinct details are unaccompanied by imagery or flowery language that would detract from the crucial suspense-arousing events. ?The coyote-man raised his whip; there was a long moment of expectancy, then a swift movement, the whistle of the last and its loud flat-sounding impact on the flesh.? The actions of the savages tapestry the shroud of luridity that continue to repel Lenina while the clause between the semicolon and comma mirror the silence before the strike of the whip. At last, the ?whistle? signifies the anticipated action that syntax, details and diction have all along foreshadowed. ?Twice, thrice, four times round he went?.Five times round, six times round? Seven times round.? Lone words that constitute sentences and telegraphic phrases cut by commas reflect the sound of the lashes. Enumeration of each lash as if a scene from a movie being played in slow motion, grants equivalent emphasize of the pain from each blow. ?A few drops fell, and suddenly the drums broke out again into a panic of hurrying notes; there was a great shout.? The anticipation is finally satiated confirmed by the abrupt burst of drums. PASSAGE 2 (142 – 144) The details and diction in this passage was striking in conveying John?s fascination with Lenina. It immediately evoked in my mind a scene from Sleeping Beauty where the Prince stumbles upon the bewitched Princess. Lenina?s introduction to John at this point of the novel likens to a scientific experiment where a new and exotic life form is presented in a previously pedestrian environment. John, engrossed with every aspect about Lenina, adopts a humble position and invests her with rapt wonderment. Upon finding her possessions, he takes immediate fascination to his discovery and indulges himself in her relics. John?s actions reflect that of a worshipper. Thus, Huxley employs a tone of reverent infatuation to manifest John?s idolization of Lenina. Dominated by alluring details, the passage aims to manifest John?s unqualified adoration for Lenina. Without delay, olfactory appeal works to captivate John by providing a sense of familiarity, an indication of Lenina?s presence. In ?breathing Lenina?s perfume? and discovering ?a cloud of scented powder?, he conveys his fanatic infatuation, and then continues to ?fill his lungs with her essential being.? A meager waft proves inadequate to satiate John?s desires. Instead, he relishes in bliss, the effusive outpouring of her presence, breathes in her scents like a drug, and allows it to pervade all of his internal organs. In addition, he imagines the ?touch of [her] smooth skin against his face, while other tactile details confirm his nostalgic longing for her. As if in the presence of a goddess, he executes his actions with the most scrupulous care. Bending over the precious box, he touched, he lifted into the light, he examined. Polysyndetons and parallel structures emphasizes each action as distinct entities with equivalent importance. Commas retard the process so as to display not cursory haste, but fastidious devotion   not coarseness, but refinement – and not brashness, but the delicacy of a worshipper in tending to a higher life form. Abstract diction continue to manifest John?s obsessive attachment to Lenina. Huxley attributes her possessions with desirous diction, labeling her perfume as delicious, her box as precious, her puzzle, a delight. John becomes entranced by her divine possessions, and muses over Lenina reverently. Delving further into the passage, comparative details attributed to Lenina and syntax portraying John as a stalker reveal the extent of his infatuation. Metaphors ascribe enigmatic aspects to Lenina, which intrigues John and plunges him into enchantment. Infatuated, he derives pleasure from unriddling her bewitched apparels. A simple pair of velveteen shorts likens at ?first a [to a] puzzle, then solved, a delight.? Lenina, furnisher of magically exotic appeal, jolts excitement into his previously mundane life of savagery. Huxley portrays her through John?s eyes as analogous to a mystery to be demystified, lock to be unlocked, cipher to be deciphered ? all of which fascinates John and builds on his infatuation. However, his conspicuous adoration becomes suppressed into a concealed form when agitation forms over the possibility of being discovered. Covert syntax and  diction depict John as an infatuated stalker. ?He heard something ? something like a sigh, something like the creak of a board.? Huxley purposefully employs ambiguous diction such as ?something? as opposed to concrete observable details. Disclosing her hiding position, Lenina?s appearance gradually comes into scope. John replies with stealthy obsession and strategically planned actions, reflected by extra inserts of commas that mirror his wary movement. ?He tiptoed to the door and, cautiously opening it, found himself looking on to a broad landing.? With enchanting metaphors and furtive syntax, literary devices continue to manifest John?s infatuation. Upon reaching the climatical action of John finally disclosing Lenina?s position, the tone ultimately assumes one of consummate reverence. Descriptive details of Lenina fast asleep enhances her chaste qualities. ?So beautiful in the midst of her curls, so touchingly childish with her pink toes?so trustful in the helplessness of her limp hands and melted limbs, that the tears came to his eyes.? Excessive use of the adverb ?so? heightens the degree of her qualities, implying an empyrean life-form inspiring awe. The child-like characteristics solicits sacred protection from John. Huxley?s delineation of her as ?limp? and ?melted? with a ?grave? sleeping face suggests death and ascendance into heaven. John, captivated, reveres her as one would of a goddess. Complex-compound sentences embroiders her purity and innocence while allusions to Shakespeare?s Romeo and Juliet continues to attribute divinity. ?On the white wonder of dead Juliet?s hand, may size/ And steal immortal blessing from her lips.? Comparison to Juliet further implies the notion of her resemblance to a goddess possessing immortality and an ethereal aura. In a humble manner, John ?very slowly, with the hesitating gesture? reach out to affirm the heavenly presence. However, his hands ?hung trembling? as he ruminates on the sacrilegious. Dare he ?profane? with his ?unworthiest? hand? Awe-inspiring details and sacredly connotated diction avouch the tone of infatuated reverence. PASSAGE 3 (232 – 233) The tone of this passage was not presented by the narration or characters in the novel, but rather created by a passage from a book being read by one of  the characters. I thought it was interesting to analyze a tone inside a passage of a passage. The abstract and metaphysical level of Brave New World reaches its apex when Mustapha Mond proceeds to read a passage from Maine de Biran?s book that justifies man?s eventual submission to God. While Biran holds the creed that individuals ultimately lose control of their lives and inevitably capitulate to the overwhelming siren call of God, Mond challenges that with the World State, one never experiences loss and thus will never seek counsel of religion. Huxley employs a tone of forensic instructiveness to allow both sides to present their cases effectively. Persuasive syntax utilized in Biran?s excerpt efficaciously compels the audience to assume his position. Immediately, the passage adopts the structure of a formal argument with Biran?s proposal of his thesis. ?We are not our own any more than what we possess is our own. We did not make ourselves, we cannot be supreme over ourselves. We are not our own masters. We are God?s property.? Simultaneous use of the pronoun ?we?, and three consecutive negatives carves away at the monolith of individual confidence. The anaphora build logical progression toward the thesis, whose brevity and sole affirmative adverb grants emphasis on unity with god. Also, rhetoric use of first person point of view lends itself to the notion that this pertains to all. Biran?s argument develops into a tone of instructiveness so as to provide support, illustrated by the transition, ?take this for example.? Repetitions in diction function to acknowledge the opposition. to have to think of nothing out of sight, to be without the irksomeness of continual acknowledgements, continual prayer, continual reference.? Syntactical analysis of Biran?s introduction reveal a tone of forensic instructiveness. Upon setting up the premise, Biran now proceeds to counter the opposition by providing rational support. The extensive length and complexity of the sentences that follow, broken down logically by semicolons and commas, carries the reader through a step by step process of rationally reaching a valid deduction. Diction, as well as syntax, justify man?s ultimate  submission to religion. With transitions such as ?feeling thus? and ?from which,? the progression towards the conclusions likens to a mathematical proof abundant with derivations. Anaphoric use of ?as the? and ?less? exhibits an inverse relationship between aging and the sentiments that prevented dependence on religion. Thus, with aging, ?God emerges as from behind a cloud? of with omnipotence, indicated by a series of fate-associated diction. ?Naturally,? one turns to God when he loses control of his world, and will ?inevitably? submit under his ?absolute? and ?everlasting? power. With spiritual and abstract diction, Biran?s concepts appeal spiritually and offer cleansing. ?So pure; so delightful to the soul.? The elongated sentence ultimately reaches its objective, its emphasis granted by a single dash. ? ? a reality, an absolute and everlasting truth.? Enhanced by mathematical instructiveness and persuasive diction, Biran effectively presents his case. After introducing Biran?s position, Mond assumes the tone of forensic instructiveness. He promptly proposes a qualified argument: ?You can only be independent of God while you?ve got youth and prosperity.? Mond builds his case upon the assertion that so long as one attains youthful desires and lives without the fear of death from old age, religion holds no significance in their life. Transitions prove to be the driving force of Mond?s counter-argument. ?Well, we?ve now got youth, what follows? Evidently, that we can be independent of God.? His argument, comparable to Biran?s, progresses logically and employs first person pronouns as well. ?And why should we go hunting for a substitute for youthful desires when desires never fail He summarizes his position with comparative rhetorical questions that juxtaposes both sides of the argument. The inquires detract rationale from Biran?s assertions while promoting his alternate solutions. Through forensic instructiveness, Mond?s counter-argum ent proves to be efficacious as well.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Chile Earthquake Of 1960 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Chile Earthquake Of 1960 - Research Paper Example The resulting tsunami affected Southern Chile, Japan, Hawaii, southeast Australia, the Philippines, the Aleutian Islands and eastern New Zealand (U.S. Geological Survey 4). The earthquake struck at 7.11 PM around 160 kilometers off the Chile’s coast and paralleled to Valdivia city. It agrees that, the shock had up to 9.5 magnitudes, though some researchers say that it may have been 9.6 or 9.4. The previous day, a series of foreshocks warned for incipient disaster. The major demolition in Concepcion was; as a result of magnitude 7.9. The source of fault-displacement of the earthquake covered over approximately 560-520miles (900-1,000km) area of Nazca Plate subducted underneath South American Plate. The epicenter was around 570 kilometers near Lumaco, south of Santiago, making Valdivia the most affected city. The immensity of the shifts of the seafloor that influenced the tsunamis big. Such that, nearly 15 hours later, the waves that arrived in the islands of Hawaiian, that is 6,200miles away, crested about 35feet at landfall in particular places (Thompson, 34). Most of the Chilean cities, including Puerto Montt, a noticeable subsidence happened. In Valdivia, almost half of the buildings were declared uninhabitable due to great damage they sustained. Even though the havoc caused by the shaking was not minor, most casualties resulted from 15 minutes later descent that rose up to 25 meters (80 feet) high on the Chilean coastline expanse. Puerto Aisen and Lebu cities bound it. The cities are also parallel to the subducting plate. The number of casualties and monetary losses that rose from the widespread disaster is not accurate.

Friday, September 27, 2019

BRIC Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

BRIC Analysis - Case Study Example However, because the outlook for this industry is bright, multinationals are now eyeing the manufacture of the product. But none has targeted China yet, and the market concentration is US, Canada, and Japan (Annex C). There is a high growth potential in the market. Rivalry concentration is low since most of the electric car models of U.S. manufacturers are yet to be introduced in the years to come. The threat of substitutes to the electric car industry is fairly mild because people are now conscious of green environment, and the spiraling cost of gasoline. There are other types of automotive vehicles but none offers clean air and a reduction of energy consumption although models and design are comparable with regular cars. The electric car models offer the comfort of charging it at home and do not need to line up in gasoline stations. Popular electric car models are shown in Annex B. The inherent culture and attitudes kept people out from owning cars, and ownership is not yet spread out as discussed in density of ownership. But because of increasing rate of population and rise of income, the culture of car ownership in China is slowly changing; added to the fact that it is encouraged by the government, The barrier to entry in the automotive industry is significant. The start up capital needed for a new company to set up an efficient manufacturing capacity is prohibitive. The manufacture of electric cars needs expertise and specialization, and in case of failure is difficult to retool. Entry to market may not be so difficult because of the joint venture with a local Chinese automotive manufacturer. A joint venture is considered a better alternative in entering the Chinese market because Chinese partners have an insight into the local customs and traditions. A joint venture offers the opportunity of access to restricted market, and the advantage of the low

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Labor Law And National Labor Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Labor Law And National Labor Relations - Essay Example This essay discusses that the same act was held in a ruling made by the Sacramento County Superior Court in Ralphs Grocery Co. v United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 8. The union agents had peacefully staged a picket for five days a week, eight hours per day on the sidewalk apron of Ralph store, which is a private property. They walked back and forth in front of the store’s doors, waving placards and handing out flyers. This was meant to discourage people from shopping in the shop on the ground that its employees were not unionized.The picketers ignored Ralph request to relocate to a distance away from the store. This went on for almost nine months prompting Ralph to file a complaint about trespass against the union in Sacramento County Superior Court. The grocery shops the capability to request an injunction against the protesters who were trespassing in front of its stores in the name of picketing. The board seeks compliance with provisions of NLRA, especially in s ections 7 and 8. It orders Shirelle Company to reinstate the five dismissed workers, start collective bargaining process with the workers and recognize the union as the legal representative body of the employees. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 protects the welfare and interests of both the unionized and the non-unionized workers. The Board, therefore, holds that the employees in Shirelle Company are protected by the Act and the company has no option but to comply with the relevant provisions concerning staff welfare.... Their main desire was to have the employer afford them and their fellow workers good working conditions. In this case, the Board was of the opinion that even one employee acting solely can satisfy the concerted requirement. It further held that the striking workers had the right to express their dissatisfaction with the working conditions provided by the employer. The board considers this as one of the precedents in resolving the matter of Shirelle and the five dismissed workers. Issues to be resolved Shirelle Company has been in operation since 1983, a cool 27 years without a trade union for the employees. They have a good number of workers who are in charge of various departments within the company. However, the owners, Olga and Gregor Flambe, who are jointly responsible for the labor relations and personnel have not yet registered their employees in any trade union. The company which has been operating for a long time with no trade union for its 40 plus staff has not given the emp loyee the freedom to exercise their rights. The company instead has taken the mandate of resolving labor related disputes using its own mechanisms. This is in contravention of NLRA section 8 (a) 2 where the issue of representation of workers issues is placed under employee led unions, and not company dominated labor organizations. In the Electromation case, the electric company had requested the employees to form committees to deal with their concerns, knowing very well that the committees dominated by the employer do are in contravention of the National Labor Relations Act. In the Electromation, Inc v. NLRB, 35 1148 [1994], the court found out that the initial creation, the structure, and the administration was considerably under the control of the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

My father's song (Poem analysis) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

My father's song (Poem analysis) - Essay Example Their content shows different kinds of father-son relationships, though both are filled with intense bonds of love, while their forms and symbolism suggest the cycle and rhythm of life that can be distinct to every father and cultural group. Ortiz and Roethke both express intense devotions to their father, which is typical of the adoration that boys feel for their fathers, the main plot of the poems and evident in the diction that speak of their livelihoods. Ortiz remembers his father and misses him terribly. The plot of the poem talks about how he misses his father, â€Å"His voice, the slight catch,/the depth from his thin chest† (Ortiz 3-4). He misses him enough that his senses are all awakened, as if he can hear, see, and feel his father. Having the kind of memory that becomes almost physically real signifies a son’s intense devotion to his father. Furthermore, Ortiz uses diction that has rich imagery that is typical of Native American language. The â€Å"tremble of emotion† (5) and his song for his son are elements of Native American identity, where oral histories are part of everyday activities shared through songs and stories. The boy in Roethke’s poem also expresses his strong love fo r his father. He calls him â€Å"Papa,† a term of endearment, and he does not mind that he comes home drunk and dances the waltz with him, for he still â€Å"hung on† (Roethke 3) and clung to his shirt, as his Papa waltzed him roughly to bed (Roethke 16). It does not matter if Papa’s ritual is too rough for the boy; he enjoys it anyway and takes pleasure in being the center of his father’s attention. Lisa Jadwin underlines that the boy must be terrified of his father’s smell, actions, and appearance, but it does not matter. She interprets the plot of poem as one that â€Å"captures some of the fundamental joy a child experiences when playing with a parent and receiving that parents

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Portfolio in Islamic Commercial Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Portfolio in Islamic Commercial Law - Essay Example Meanwhile the second essay discusses how Islamic economic and finance can be the best alternative solution of ‘Responsible Capitalism’ from Islamic perspective. Relation between Islamic commercial law and political will of the state This section describes the relation between Islamic commercial law and political will of the state. It presents the development Islamic commercial law is inter-related with political will of the state. The notion is discussed by presenting a case study in the development of Islamic commercial law from early development until recent. In this case Southeast Asia will be used as a case study. The Sharia is made up of the ‘legal’ statements of the Koran and the Customs of the clairvoyant. Fiqh is an academic study, and juristic understanding of those sources. It is often presented as an ‘Islamic jurisprudence’. The word Sharia also entails these understanding. 1 The ideas are normally presented as different, although the limits connecting them are not completely presented. Muslim educators accurately criticise the expression ‘Islamic law’ for its malfunction to differentiate between phenomena within the society.2 The Sharia should be clearly distinguished from the territory law of Muslim- preponderance jurisdictions. Some justification processes do have stipulation in their statute, that the Sharia is the most important foundation of law. 3 Some have produced statutes founded on the Sharia, though; this is diverse from the Sharia essence the law. In the first situation, it is not more than the foundation, and in the subsequent, one of its indispensable attributes, its eventual influence, has been distorted, from Allah to the status. One exemption is Saudi Arabia, where Sharia is the law, other than this there are enhancement by frequent ‘regulations’ produced by the authority.1Sharia is an Arabic expression used to label Islamic by law. It initially referred to the trail p acked down by camels to a wet stream foundation, and the commonly used Arabic expression al-Sharia al-islamiyah could be turned into Islamic language. In the situation of Islamic rule, the technique is one that directs the virtuous advocate to ecstasy in life after death. The Sharia is not considered a sacred law by good quality of the area under discussion matters concerned, for these assortment far further than the ball of spiritual concerns firmly communication and lengthen to the humdrum affairs of on a daily basis.4 To a certain extent, its spiritual temperament is as a result of the Muslim principle that it emanates from exquisitely stimulated sources and represent God’s map for the appropriate grouping of all human being actions. Even though, Muslims have the same opinion that they are in touch by the Sharia law. The understandings of its necessities have been differentiated in the past depending on sectarian and school divided sections and, in contemporary times, also depending on the different notions of how the Sharia law is applicable to changed state of affairs of modern societies.5 The explanations of the necessities of Sharia law are controlled in the fiqh. In a universal intelligence, fiqh implies â€Å"acquaintance† or â€Å"knowledge,† except it is also second-hand in a more exact intelligence of Islamic law making process. Sharia

Monday, September 23, 2019

Leadership in Organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Leadership in Organisation - Essay Example There is a growing presence of women in almost all aspects of employment, and particularly in top management positions, in recent years. The contribution of women, in executive level in organizational success over the years, is unprecedented, thus indicating their strong leadership skills and professionalism at the workplace. There is also a change in their social expectations, and their advocacy by various groups, to ensure equal opportunities at the workplace has further ensured honing of such skills. It is on account of these reasons, that the performance of women managers and leaders, that the case for a strong ethical leadership, irrespective of the gender, has gained momentum. Furthermore, the rise in complexity and composition of the global markets has expanded the scope of businesses as never before, thus leading to more pressure on the top level management to perform and excel in their respective fields. Such external factors have led to retention and promotion of skilled wo men in managerial positions, across all levels in the organizational hierarchy. Such an increase in female corporate leaders in recent times can be attributed to the changing dynamics of the industry, as well as the change in conventional definitions and practices of the concept of leadership in general. Contrary to the conventional definition of the concept, leadership in the post-industrialized era refers to the ability of individuals to motivate, empower and engage the employees and subordinates, and team members as well as empathize with them. (Hammer & Champy, 1994; Senge, 1994). Research suggests that there is still a vast difference between the leadership and management styles followed by male and female leaders. It is on account of this reason that the proverbial ‘glass ceiling’ still exists in terms of appointment of women in top management positions particularly in fields such as finance and technology. According to Schein (2001) the ‘think manager, think male’ approach to appointing individuals in top leadership positions, ex ists in various countries across the globe, despite the change in socio-cultural environment, and the advancement of policies advocating equal opportunities to women. It has also been observed that in the developed

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Inaugural addresses by U. S. Presidents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Inaugural addresses by U. S. Presidents - Essay Example Kennedy was worried over the present status of affairs where nations are overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, including the deadly nuclear weapons. It makes Kennedy insisting that â€Å"Let both sides [America and its allegories]...formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations† (Kennedy, 1961). Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, former American presidents like Kennedy, agrees with disarmament saying that America’s ultimate aim is to eliminate all nuclear weapons from the world. Regarding the handling of the these weapons, Kennedy recommend that it would be better for the nations to use these weapons ‘to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors’ (Kennedy, 1961). Kennedy’s remarks on disarmament bring to us the historical importance of the 1960s which marked its indelible mark with America’s exploration in Vietnam that tolled the lives of thousands of people. Balance of Power is â€Å"a distribution of military and economic power among nations that is sufficiently even to keep any one of them from being too strong or dangerous† (, 2010). Most of the world nations shore up balance of power as a means to regulate the arm race. It is quite evident from the inaugural addresses of majority of the American presidents indicating the real requisite of balance of power. The former president Ronald Regan reveals America’s plan to reduce the number of nuclear weapons concurrently with Soviet Union (Regan, 1985). Bush and Clinton also were of the same opinion concerning the regulation of nuclear weapons and maintaining balance of power. The words of former president, George W. Bush (2001) unveil America’s policy with regard to balance of power when he says, â€Å"American remains engaged in the world by history and by choice, shaping a balance of

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Inner Journeys Essay Example for Free

Inner Journeys Essay What extent has studying the concept of inner journeys expanded your understanding of yourself individuals and of the world? Inner journeys are about the process in which we move from naivity to maturity. In this proccess we learn new things about ourself that help us grow and become wiser and better people. The texts cosi by louis Nowra, the film groudhog day and the poem the road not taken all depict journeys of the mind and spirit which open up a greater understanding of the sense of self. In cosi louis nowra presents the inner journey of lewis, a young first time director who is hired to direct a play to bring the inmates of an asylum out of their shells . At the begining of the play lewis is indecisive in his understanding of others, uncertain of his opinions and unconfident of his own abilies. Diresting cosi fan tutti with emotionally and mentally handicapped people is the catalysts for lewis own emotional and mental maturity. As a metaphor for the world the charred theatre represents the challenges that will confront lewis. The characterization of lewis is established by the realism that of his language when he initially states i need the money. However this realism is threatened when both nick and lucy leave him alone to deal with the inmates. lewiss growing fear and uncertainty is emphasized through Nowras stage directions. Gradually as lewis spends more time with the patients like when he like when he lies about cherry thats why she spends so much time in the toilets in order to keep the production going he starts to see the value it has for them. Lewis also changes his attitude toward love and fidelity. This evident in the contrast when he says loves not so important nowadays to now saying without love the world wouldnt mean much. Nowra uses the play within play within play structure to emphasize the importance of love and fidelity. The opera cosi fan tutti functions somewhat as a mimetic device as it becomes a reflection of lewis relationship with lucy and his realisation that fidelity is an essential part of love. The inner journey that allowed lewis to gain this insight has been a product of his relationship with the mental patients. Finally lewis develops personally as a a director. Initially conveyed as a timid character, evident as roy talks over him, he learns to control and direct as he gains the respect of the mental patients. The film groundhog day starring bill Murray shows the Inner journey of Phill as he is trapped in a recurring day. Through the brilliance of the plot we can observe as he deals with his unique predicament. We see how he struggles to find meaning and purpose in life. Each day he experiments with new thoughts and behaviors and he learns what works and what doesnt. Any change that occurs must be inside him because only he can change. All the other characters repaet eaxcly what they did the day before. This shines an intense light on Phils abilty to change himself. Over countless days he learns that what pleasure he thought would make him happy have failed to, and he has to accept his old self has completely run out of steam. From this he is forced to place all his attention on changing the way he interprets the world, on his personal reality by changing his attitudes, values thoughts and feelings. like lewis he literally recreates himself becoming a mature. loving and giving person. His journey proves that inner change is the key to personal growth and happiness. The road not taken by Robert frost uses a metaphor of traveling to explore our chooses in life. It depicts the difficulty of making choices available and presented to people. Frost traces the way we make decisions, enjoying the options life has to offer us yet he also acknowledges that we cannot realistically do everything that is presented to us. The first person perspective instantly brings the audience close to the experience being recounted. The use of i establishes the personas personal dilemmas as his journey brings him to two roads diverge in a yellow wood. Two roads and yellow woods are metaphors for the choices he confronts. Rhyming creates a flow to the piece while the rhythm forces us to pause effective for thinking what the persona is contemplating. Stanza 1 shows that persona is sorry i could not travel both roads and show that lifes journey requires chooses that exclude alternatives. The second stanza shows that the choice has been made. The use of the language As just as Fair and Perhaps suggests both roads are equal. However there is slight confusion of the personas choice, conveyed in perhaps the better claim, really about the same. At the time of his choice he believes it was a better claim than the other. Later he thinks there much the same. In the third stanza, the exclamation oh I kept the first for another day! suggests the optimism of being able to retread ones steps and take lifes journey by a different route. But the use of the conjunction yet he later says I doubted if i should ever come back which suggests that after taking one route, Thats the route he has to live by, it is a choice he has made in life. Finally in the last stanza the pause suggests regret. The persona is now not sure if he took the better route but this decision is one we have to make in life and we have to life with the consequences and hopefully learn from our past experiences. The poem suggests that inner journeys are irreversible and the choice we make define the person who we become and our understanding of life and the world. This idea is similar to lewis experience where his decision to direct Cosi fan tutti moulds him. Through a close analysis of the three texts Cosi, The film Ground hog day And the poem the road not taken by robert frost that convey the ideas that an inner journey forms as a response to lifes changes and particularly the climatic moments which force a spiritual, mental and emotional re-evaluation of values of priorities.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Green Building Certification in Malaysia

Green Building Certification in Malaysia ABSTRACT Green Building is very famous in advanced country like USA, Australia, Europe, Japan and Korea. These countries started to develop green building ratings since 20 years ago. However, Malaysia had recently launched of Green Building Index (GBI) but it is still early stage. This introduction signifies a new benchmark for Malaysia building and industry. This research purpose is to find out the implementation green building certification in Malaysia. Three main research objectives are addressed: i) the benefits of green building in Malaysia. ii) the barriers of implementation of green building in Malaysia, and iii) the potential of green building development in Malaysia. Questionnaire has been distributed to the different developer firm to get respondents answer. Throughout the surveys, the view of advantages of green building has been identified. Besides that, the barriers and solutions of implementing green building in Malaysia also have been identified. CHAPTER 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Title A study on Green Building Certification in Malaysia 1.2 Problem Statement Green Building is very famous in advanced country like USA, Australia, Europe, Japan and Korea. These countries started to develop green building since 20 years ago. However, the recent launch of the Green Building Index (GBI) in Malaysia, it is still in the early stage. Due to the reason that green building is a new concept in Malaysia, therefore, a research was conducted in order to study on green building certification in Malaysia. 1.3 Aim and Objectives 1.3.1 Aim To study the implementation of Green Building Certification in Malaysia 1.3.2 Objectives The objective is to: To determine the benefits of green building in Malaysia To determine the barriers of implementation of green building in Malaysia To identify the potential of green building development in Malaysia 1.4 Background Environmental activists have called us to go green for years. The typhoon that recently hit the Philippines and a series of earthquakes that rocked Indonesia are also clear indications that we need to put much more effort into going green to ensure Earths sustainability. Malaysia has recently introduced Green Building Index; it is the first certification tool. The green rating system is to give opportunity for the developers to design and construct green, sustainable building that can provide energy savings, water savings, a healthier indoor environment, better connectivity to public transport and the adoption of recycling and greenery for their projects. 1.5 Scope of Study The research study will be focus on the implementation of green building certification in Malaysia. Aware benefits of green building, the barriers and how to make it successful and potential of green development in our country. The designed questionnaires will be sent to the company in Malaysia. 1.6 Research Methodology In order to achieve the objectives, primary and secondary source like relevant books, journal, articles, conference paper and newspaper are important for information collection. All these information can be sourced from TARC library and internet website. Next, the questionnaires will be sending by postal mail, by hand or email to relevant companies in Malaysia. Figure 1 refers the flow chart methodology for the research. CHAPTER 2 2.0 Green Building Certification in Malaysia 2.1 Introduction This chapter discusses on the definition of green building and follow by the benefits of construct green building. Then, the following will discuss about what the green building certification is and what the assessment rating systems in some developed countries are. After that, this chapter also will briefly introduce the Malaysia Green Building Index (GBI) and also examples of success green building in Malaysia. Besides that, the barriers of implementation green building in Malaysia will be discussed in this chapter. 2.2 Definition of green building There are few definitions for green building. The United State Green Building Council (2009) had defined green building is a high performing home thats energy and water efficient, has good indoor air quality, uses environmentally sustainable materials and also uses the building lot or site in a sustainable manner. Besides, according to Thomas (2008) green building refers as a building that provides the specified building performance requirements while minimizing disturbance to and improving the functioning of local, regional and global ecosystems both during and after its construction and specified service life. According to Stacey (2008), in her article she defines green building is a home-building concept that uses design, construction and maintenance to create more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. By referring to The Star Newspaper (7 September 2008) defines green building are designed to save energy and resources, recycle materials and minimize the emission of toxic substances throughout its life cycle, harmonies with the local climate, traditions, culture and the surrounding environment, able to sustain and improve the quality of human life whilst maintaining the capacity of the ecosystem at local and global levels, buildings make efficient use of resources and have significant operational savings and increases workplace productivity. So, green building can be summarize as also refers to sustainable or high-performance building, means having a significantly reduced impact on the Earths resources compared to conventional building. It is also means creating building that is healthier and more comfortable for its occupants, consequently enhancing productivity. 2.3 Benefits of Green Building Green is an opportunity to use natural resources efficiently while creating healthier building that improve human, build a better environment and provide cost saving. A green building are designed to meet certain objectives such as protecting occupant health, improving employee productivity, using energy, water and resources more efficiently and reducing the overall impact to the environment (Aysin, 2000). By referring to Freed (2008), green building offer to help protect the planets natural resources. A green building has the potential to provide a healthier and more comfortable environment, improve long-term economic performance, incorporate energy and water efficient technologies, reduce construction and demolition waste, bring higher resale value and building valuations, use renewable energy to lower the cost of electricity and improve indoor air quality and occupant satisfaction. Besides that, all these benefits can save long term cost. Some potential benefits of green building can include environmental benefits, economic benefits and social benefits. These benefits summarized as below: Environmental benefits: Enhance and protecting ecosystems and biodiversity Improve air and water quality Reduce solid waste Preserve natural resource Economic benefits: Reduce operating costs Enhance asset value and profits Improve employee productivity and satisfaction Optimize life-cycle economic performance Social benefits: Enhance occupant comfort and health Improve air, thermal, and acoustic environments Minimize strain on local infrastructure Contribute overall quality of life 2.4 Green Building Certification 2.4.1 What is Green Building Certification? Green building certifications were conceived to assist Architect, Engineer, Designers, Builder, Developer and users make to understand the choice that can be make the design of the building and to reduce the negative impacts of environment. 2.4.2 What are those available? As Ting (2009) notes in his articles, there are more than 100 types of environmental rating tool available globally. Green building is very famous in developed country such as United Kingdom, United State, Australia, Hong Kong and Japan. These countries started to develop green building since 20 years ago. Ding (2007) named a number of assessment rating systems in some developed countries. The below discuss the existing well-known rating system. United Kingdom: Building Research Establishment Assessments Method (BREEAM) This Building Research Establishment (BRE) Program was created over a decade ago in United Kingdom to assess the environmental performance of both new and existing buildings. BREEAM assesses performance of buildings in the areas of management, energy use, health and comfort, pollution, transport, land use, ecology, materials, and water. Credits are awarded in each area based on upon performance. Buildings are rated Pass, Good, Very Good, and Excellent. BREEAM can apply to offices, homes, industrial units, and school. United States: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) LEED is developed by the U.S. Green Building Council. It is consensus-based national standard for developing high-performance, sustainable buildings. LEED rating system are available or under development for new commercial construction and major renovations (NC), existing building operations (EB), commercial interiors (CI), core and shell projects (CS), homes (H), and neighborhood development (ND). LEED provides a complete framework for assessing building performance and meeting sustainability goals. Based on well-founded scientific standards, LEED emphasizes state-of-the-art strategies for sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection, and indoor environmental quality. United State: Energy Star The Energy Star program is a voluntary government and industry partnership that seeks to make it easy for businesses and consumers to save money and protect the environment. This program for Buildings awards a plaque to buildings that achieve a rating of 75 or higher and have been professionally verified to meet current indoor environmental standards. By using the programs benchmarking tool, a buildings performance on a scale of 1 to 100 relative to similar buildings nationwide is obtained. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Building Environmental Assessment Method (HK-BEAM) HK-BEAM is a voluntary system to measure, improve, and label the environmental performance of the buildings. The system has been used on 100 buildings to date. The system applies to both new and existing buildings. In the category of materials topics such as: the efficient use of materials (building reuse), selection of materials (renewable and recycled), and waste management (demolition and construction waste). Japan: Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environmental Efficiency (CASBEE) The system is a cooperative development of academic, industrial, and government agencies. The systems assessment tools include a pre-design assessment tool, a design for environmental tool, an eco-labeling tool, and a sustainable operation and renovation tool. Netherlands: Eco-Quantum The Eco-Quantum is the only method that explicitly and comprehensive based on life-cycle assessment. Asses the environmental burden of a complete building on the basis of LCA. It also compares the environmental performance of various measures concerning energy-saving installations, water-saving techniques, material choice, design and location. The Eco-Quantum is only applicable to single residential buildings. Australia: Green Star The Green Star Environmental Rating System for Buildings was created to set a standard of measurement for green buildings in Australia. The rating system is a voluntary national program that evaluates the environmental performance of buildings. Green Star Rating Systems have been developed for commercial buildings only. Each of the rating systems includes the following categories: management, indoor environmental quality, energy, transport, water, materials, land use, site selection and ecology, and emission. Each category contains credits awarded based on achieving the required level in the building. Credits in the materials category are awarded for providing storage for recycling waste, reuse of facade, reuse of structure, shell, and core, recycled content of concrete, recycled content of steel, PVC minimization, and use of sustainable timber. 2.5 Malaysia Green Building Index (GBI) After some studies in different green building rating schemes around the globe, Malaysia set up a rating scheme to suit the local market; it is called Green Building Index (GBI). Malaysian GBI is an environmental rating system for buildings developed by Green Building Index Sdn Bhd under the supervision of the Malaysian Institute of Architects (PAM) and Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia (ACEM).The Malaysia GBI was first introduced in January this year and launched in May 2009. This introduction signifies a new benchmark for the Malaysia building and industry. 2.5.1 What is GBI? According to Chin (2009), the GBI is Malaysias industry recognized green rating tool for building and it is intended to promote sustainability in the built environment and raise awareness among Developers, Architect, Engineers, Planners, Designers, Contractors and Public about the environmental issues and our responsibility to the future generations. GBI rating tool gives an opportunity for developers to design and construct green building that would provide energy savings, water savings, a healthier indoor environment, better connectivity to public transport and adoption of recycling and greenery for the projects and reduce impact of environment. GBI will be the only rating tool for the tropical zones other than Singapore Governments GREENMARK. Besides that, GBI is expected to be applied to new buildings in Malaysia. 2.5.2 GBI Rating System Referring to Chen (2009), the projects or building would be assessed and rated based on six keys criteria. These criteria will be discussed as follow:- Energy Efficiency Indoor Environmental Quality Sustainable Site Planning Management Material and Resources Water Efficiency Innovation Energy Efficiency Use of renewable energy, lighting zoning and low energy consumption Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Mould and air pollutants prevention, thermal comfort, natural lighting. These will involve the use of low volatile organic compounds-free paints and formaldehyde-free composite wood, particle boards and plywood. Sustainable Site and Management site selection with planned access to public transport, community services, open spaces and landscaping, redevelopment of existing sites and Brown fields (abandoned land or former industrial sites), avoidance of environmentally sensitive sites, construction management (proper earthworks and pollution control) and storm water management Materials and Resources Use of environment-friendly, recycled materials and sustainable timber; storage and collection of recyclables; construction waste management; and reuse of construction formwork Water Efficiency Rainwater harvesting, water recycling and water-saving fittings Innovation Innovative design and initiatives 2.5.3 GBI Rating Tools The rating system is comprised of two separate tools, namely the GBI Residential and Non-Residential respectively. GBI Residential The GBI Residential Rating tool evaluates the sustainable aspects of residential buildings. This includes linked houses, apartments, condominiums, townhouses, semi-detached and bungalows. This tool places more emphasis on sustainable site planning management, followed by energy efficiency. This serves to encourage developers and home owners to consider the environmental quality of homes and their inhabitants through better site selection, provisions of public transport access, increased community services and connectivity, as well as improved infrastructure. Such achievement will help reduce the negative impact to the environment and create a better and safer place for residents and the community as a whole. (Chen, 2009) GBI Non-Residential The GBI Non-Residential Rating tool evaluates the sustainable aspects of buildings that are commercial, institutional and industrial in nature. This includes factories, offices, hospitals, universities, colleges, hotels and shopping complexes. Of the six criteria that make up the GBI rating, emphasis is placed on energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality as these have the greatest impact in the areas of energy use and well-being of the occupants and users of the building. By improving on the efficiency of active (mechanical and electrical) systems as well as incorporating good passive designs together with proper sustainable maintenance regimes, significant reductions in consumed energy can be realised. This can lead to a reduced carbon footprint and also offers long-term savings for the building owners. (Chen, 2009) 2.6 Green Building in Malaysia There are some success low energy buildings achieved by Malaysia government. They are LEO (Low Energy Office) building and ZEO (Zero Energy Office). 2.6.1 LEO Building The LEO (Low Energy Office) Building located in Putrajaya, which houses the Ministry of Energy, Water and Communication (MEWC). The LEO building demonstrates a complete integration of the best energy efficiency measures, optimised towards achieving the overall best cost or effective solution, with a targeted energy consumption of 135 W/m2/year. (Lim, 2007) Danish Agency for Development Assistance (DANIDA) and local experts had in cooperation with Malaysia architects and engineers optimised the overall design of the building and its energy systems for minimum energy consumption since 2001. (UNDP, 2006) Characteristic of LEO building discusses as below:- Most of the LEO building glazing windows installed facing north and south to minimize heat gain from the sun radiation before entering the building interior. This means that it can reduce cooling load. The roof has been insulated with 100mm of polystyrene foam and the installation of a second roof provides shade to the building. 2.6.2 ZEO Building The ZEO (Zero Energy Office) Building is an administration-cum-research office for Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (Malaysia Energy Centre), following the success of LEO building which hosted the MEWC in Putrajaya while the ZEO building was located in Bandar Baru, Selangor. By referring to PV database (2006), the ZEO building is a demonstrator building which marked another milestone towards greater promotion and adoption of sustainable building concept in the Malaysia building sector. ZEO is the only such building in Malaysia that integrates the energy efficiency and renewable energy in one working demonstrator building. The ZEO building was designed to be very energy efficient, thus consuming very little fossil fuels with energy index of 65 kWh/m2/year. It was built on a concept which focused on the green technology innovation to minimize energy demand load, efficient use of fossil fuel via taking into account the environmental concern, the usage of renewable energy but without compromising user comfort and safety. Some of the amount of energy used by the building is counter balanced by the amount of energy generated by its own renewable energy power generation system. According to Roxul Asia Sdn Bhd (2009), the super low energy characteristic is achieved by using passive and active energy efficient elements and renewable energy elements as follows:- The design of the ZEO building only allows double glazing windows installed on faà §ade facing north and south. The windows are consists of two pane glass which functioned to filter heat from the sun radiation before entering the building interior. This means that only cold daylight entered and giving free lighting to the buildings. Besides that, it also means that artificial electric light can be turned off during the day hence reducing the energy load of the building. Almost 100% lighting requirements are from this free source. The buildings cooling system is unique because it is a combination of radiant cooling and air convection system. The radiant cooling and ice storage was charge at night and stored at the floor slabs and ice storage tank respectively. The entire building was controlled with a Building Energy Management System where all buildings system operation is controlled automatically. The system also functions to monitor all energy consumption activities and energy generation in ensuring the building operates efficiently. 2.7 Barriers to green building implementation in Malaysia The following points contributed to the lack of implementation of green building in Malaysia. Lack of knowledge regarding green building Green is still a relatively new concept for the construction industry in developing countries of South-East Asia like Malaysia. Hence the greatest barriers are the lack of understanding of the need for green design. Many Fewer developers undertake green building projects Many developers are not aware of the concept of green building and so are naturally fewer developers undertake the green building projects. Besides that, to build green building takes too much time to learn and design. Expensive Client or developer unwilling to spend money because the initial cost is high although has proved that green building can save long term cost. The green building has its price the costs of green building are expensive as compare to normal building. 2.8 Conclusion To provide sustainable, green, or low energy developments is an important way forward for Malaysia. Although Malaysia has adopted some of these aforementioned measures but most are still at voluntary stage and needs further enforcements. All fractions of society from politicians, authorities, professionals, NGOs, educators, contractors, developers and the public at large must take concerted and swift actions to share the responsibilities to sustain our limited resources for future generations. CHAPTER 3 3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This chapter explains about the method that have been use to carry out this research, in order to achieve the objective of the research. Instead of achieving information through primary and secondary source like textbook, journal, conference papers, report and questionnaires will be carried out. Then the data need to be analyzed and presented in a form of table, pie chart and graph, so it is easy to understand and readable. 3.2 Research Methodology The research will go through several phases:- Identify the objectives Literature Review Data Collection Method of Analysis Example of calculation Conclusion 3.2.1 Identify the objective and mission of the research GBI is a rating tool to promote environment-friendly buildings for the future of Malaysia. Therefore, it is important to identify the important of green building, the difficulties and solutions of implementation green building and also the potential in the development in green building. 3.2.2 Literature Review Literature review also known as secondary data. Secondary data is a data that we get before a research has been carried out. It is important to help us for better understand about the research. The information for the literature review can be achieve through primary and secondary source like textbook, journal, conferences papers, report and questionnaires will be carried out. Based on the literature review, we can prepare for the questionnaire in order to collect the primary data. 3.2.3 Data Collection Process of collection primary data is one of the important phase in achieve the objectives of the research. The first step is to get response from the construction firm such as developer. This method is more practical, easy and the ideas from the respondent can be easily identified. Questionnaire Data collection process started with the preparation of questionnaire form. It is important to get the response from the respondent. The questionnaire had been sending by post or by hand or email to the respondent. The questionnaire consists of 5 questions which are related to the objectives. The rationales for each question will be discussed as follows: Question 1: Did your company involve in any project which is classified as Green Building? Rationale: The purpose of asking this question is to determine that whether the respondents company had involving in the green building construction project. Besides, this question also can know whether in future our country will have another green building or not. Question 2: In your opinion, what is the best to address the important of green building? Rationale: This is rated question, is set in likert scales, which respondents need to answer the question whether is strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree. This question is intent to know what are the criteria is the best to address the important of green building in Malaysia. Question 3: What are the difficulties of implementation green building in Malaysia? Rationale: The rationale of asking this question is to find out what are the barriers of implementation green building in Malaysia. Question 4: What are the ways to speed up implementation of green building in Malaysia? Rationale: The purpose of asking this question is to find out the solutions of implementing the concept of green building in Malaysia. Question 5: In your opinion, do you think Malaysia has high potential in the development of green building? Rationale: The purpose of asking this question is to find out the future green building development in Malaysia whether is positive or negative. 3.2.4 Method of Analysis After findings have been obtained from the questionnaire surveys, an appropriate analysis and presentation of the survey results will be done in Chapter 4. Basically, two main types of analysis method are used. They are: Descriptive statistics method Descriptive statistics are used to explore the data collected and to summarize and describe the data. They provide simple summaries about the sample and the measures. The results will later analyze and presented in a form of table, pie chart and graph to analyze the response in percentage and this is the simplest method of and it is easy to understand and readable. This type of analysis is used to analyze closed-ended and ranking questions. (Naoum, 1997, p103) Question other than Question 2 will be analyzed using this method. Using Formula The average index is calculated based on the 5-Likert Scale Formula as follows. (Tam et. al., 2001) 5-Likert Scale Formula (5N5 + 4N4 + 3N3 + 2N2 + N1 ) Important Index = 5(N5 + N4 + N3 + N2 + N1 ) Where, N1 = Total respondents choosing strongly disagree N2 = Total respondents choosing disagree N3 = Total respondents choosing neutral N4 = Total respondents choosing agree N5 = Total respondents choosing strongly agree This method is particularly useful to analyse the ranking or rating data which is normally uses integers in ascending or descending order. The results will tabulated into table form stated the ranking possesses by each option for the question. In the questionnaire conducted, Question 2 will be analysing using the said method. 3.2.5 Conclusion Put simply, the process of research methodology utilized can be simplified as shown in the figure below:- CHAPTER 4 4.0 DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction The study focuses on the construction firm in Malaysia. A set of questionnaires were prepared for the respondents. The respondents were developers. The questionnaires are sent either by postal mail, email or by hand to the respondents. The questionnaire survey takes months for distributing and collecting back from respondents. Unfortunately, most of the construction firms concerned do not show their co-operation in answering the questions surveyed, since there are only 20 copies out of 50 copies (30 by email, 3 by hand , and 17 by postal mail) collected back. Therefore, it equals to only 40% of the respondents replied to the said survey. For instances, majority of the top management in the company does not have time (either busy or other personal reasons) to take part in the survey and normally will command their staff to take over in answering the survey questionnaires. Besides, industry fatigue and unconcern is so obvious in the sense that they do not pay attention to academic surv ey conducted by student even though they have been approached to the doorstep or postal mail attached with return stamped envelope. Chart 1 below shows the feedback from the respondents. 4.2 Result and Analyse Question 1: Did your company involve in any project which is classified as Green Building? All of the respondents have answer that they are not involving in any project which is classified as green building. This answer clearly to tell us that there are no green building been construct in Malaysia. Question 2 In your opinion, what is the best to address the important of green building in Malaysia? As shown in Chart 3, 60% of the respondents agreed that the difficulties of implementing the green building in Malaysia are lack of knowledge regarding green building. 30% of the respondents have the view that the cost of green building is expensive and 10% of them think that there are fewer developers undertake green building projects. 60% of respondents think that lack of knowledge regarding green building is the barriers of implementation green building. Green building is very famous in other country but not in Malaysia. There is only few green building in Malaysia thus there were less people know about the importance of constructing green building. 30% of the respondents in the opinion that the difficulty of implementing green building in Malaysia is there is 10% of the respondents in the opinion that the difficulty of implementing green building in Malaysia is there were fewer developers undertake green building. Question 4 What are the ways to speed up implementation of green building in Malaysia?